Student design competition from academic year
winter semester 2020 + summer semester 2021
Faculty of Architecture, Czech Technical University
decision made, winners announcement in January 2022
Competition Secretary
Karin Grohmannová,
An independent view of the quality of landscape architecture training over the past year
Motivation of students and teachers through comparisons between studios and schools
Recognition of the best student landscape architecture projects between the participating schools
The competition is open to all Bachelor's and Master's students, with the exception of diploma theses.
It is the students who nominate their projects into the competition.
There are 4 categories
SMALL SCALE – small park areas, courtyard landscaping, terraces, and roof gardens, private (family) gardens
MEDIUM SCALE – village squares and town squares, medium-sized parks, conceptual solutions on the scale of a spatial study or regulatory plan
LARGE SCALE – large parks and complexes, larger territorial units, landscape concepts
LANDSCAPE GESTURE – from detail to concept, unspecified category
The jury evaluated the student work anonymously.
The foundations for the Laurus student competition were laid by the teachers of the Studio of Landscape Design Fundamentals at the Czech Technical University, who organized the selection of the best project of the first year of study of future landscape designers. In 2017, the growing number of students and specialized studios created a milieu for the expansion of the competition to the entire Department of Landscape Architecture and the selection of the best project of first-year students and the best project of Bachelor's and Master's students. Now, although the organization itself remains in its original location, the competition has been expanded to other epicenters of landscape architecture education.
The Czech Chamber of Architects is a partner of the LAURUS 2021 competition. LAURUS 2021 is also financially supported by the following companies: Arboeko, Zahradní architektura Kurz, and BAOBAB.

Štěpánka Šmídová
Štěpánka Šmídová graduated in Agricultural Engineering - Horticulture at the Czech University of Life Sciences. At the Mendel University in Brno, she studied Garden and Landscape Architecture. She is the founder of Šmídová Landscape Architects, an internationally active Prague studio.

Petr Halama
Petr Halama is a garden architect and contractor. Since 1992 he has been running the design and implementation garden company DIKÉ ZAHRADY, operating mainly in the Liberec and Hradec Králové region.

Yvett Vašourková
Yvette Vašourková graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of the Czech Technical University in Prague in 2001. Her diploma project "Open Space in the context of urban development" under the supervision of Alena Šrámková was awarded at the ČKA diploma show. She then continued her postgraduate studies at the Berlage Institute in Rotterdam, where she focused on the tendencies of contemporary urbanism. She is a founding member of the Centre for Central European Architecture CCEA and a partner of MOBA Studio. Currently, she teaches at ARCHIP in Prague.