Táborská Kasárna Benešov

  • Contracting authority


  • Competition type

    Investor architectural competition for the sale of public plots on brownfiled

  • Workshop


  • Master plan study brief


  • Completion of the master plan


  • End of the development competition


  • Signing a contract for a future contract with developers



You are on the web pages of the development competition, which will be announced at the beginning of 2021. Its goal is to start a new steps in development of the Táborska Barracks site, find public and private investors who will fill the valuable development area with high quality architecture and public space. The aim of the whole process is to define new investment plans, both for the city and for other public and private investors. In addition to the price offered, the quality of the architectural design of future buildings will also play a role in the sale of plots. The competition will bring together investors: private persons, cooperatives baugrupoe and developers with architectural studios. The sale itself will take place in accordance with the Act on Municipalities Act No. 128/2000 Coll. Municipalities Act.

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