Winning design
Ivan Ruller, spolupráce: Václav Čermak, MIroslav Korbička, Miloš Trenz, Petr Valíček
Contracting authority
Municipality of Brno
Competition Type
Open competition
February 2017
Contract signed with 1st price
Prizes and rewards
550 000 CZK – 400 000 CZK – 300 000 CZK – rewards total 200 000 CZK

Susan Kraupp
Certified architect and city planner in Germany, she graduated from the Akademie der bildenden Künste in Vienna. Since 2010, she has managed her own atelier sk architektur&stadtplanung in Vienna, which has acquired many of its commissions through successful competition entries, most notably the general plan and further development
strategy for the Danube Canal in Vienna in 2014, focusing on the strengthening of public space (Donaukanal
Partitur), in collaboration with the studio GABU Heindl Architektur. Until 2016 she was a faculty member at the Institut für Städtebau – Technische Universität Graz.

Aleš Burian
Chair of the JuryA native of Brno, he is an architect and urban planner, trained at the Faculty of Architecture at the Brno Technical
University. In 1991, he and Gustav Křivinka co-founded the office Burian-Křivinka. In addition to many architectural realisations in Brno, the studio has also produced many interesting urban interventions, such as the revitalisation of historic town centres in Mohelnice, Havlíčkův Brod or Moravská Třebová.

Emmanuel Jalbert
A French landscape architect and urban planner, he graduated from the École nationale supérieure de paysage in Versailles. He worked with Alexandre Chemetoff and Michel Corajoud, then in 1991 founded with Annie Tardivon the studio In Situ, which he has directed since 2011 under the title SAS In Situ paysages et urbanisme Jalbert et associés. Among the most important realisations of In Situ is the complex revitalisation of the Rhône embankment in Lyon. Jalbert has worked on landscaping conceptions for the cities of Grenoble and Lyon, and has lectured at universities in Lyon, Grenoble, Versailles, Montreal and Geneva.

Michal Palaščák
An architect and urban planner originally from Brno, he is a graduate of the Faculty of Architecture at the Brno Technical University. He works independently or in partnership with his colleague Roman Gal in the studio agparchitekti. Among the studio’s realisations is the group of single-family houses at Červený kopec, and at present
it is preparing the reconstruction of the market on Brno’s central square Zelný trh. He lectures and heads an atelier at the private architectural school ARCHIP – Architectural Institute in Prague. He is a member of the civic association "Řeky Brna krásnější’ (Beautifying Brno’s Rivers).

Pavel Jura
AlternateAn architect and planner working in Brno, he is a graduate of the Faculty of Architecture at the Brno Technical
University, where he has also long served as an external instructor. In addition to his architectonic realisations and
projects, he has also been active in the publication activities of the ‘Obecní dům’ association focusing on architectural history, e.g. as a co-author of the monograph on Otto Eisler and the survey Brněnští židovští architekti [Brno’s Jewish Architects]. During the present year, his design for the re-situated plan of the Brno main rail station, completed with
Ivan Koleček, was judged the best out of seven invited studies.

Klára Stachová
AlternateA landscape architect, she graduated from the Faculty of Gardening of Gregor Mendel University in Lednice. She manages her own atelier KRAJINKA and in addition to design work has long been active in publication and public-awareness work focusing on the presentation of contemporary Czech and international landscape architecture to the general public. Since 2012, she has worked with Prague’s Jaroslav Fragner Gallery, and is one of the authors of the exhibitions Czech-Scape and Landscape Festival.

Martin Ander
Vice-ChairAnder is a member of the Green party, and is filling his second term in the post of deputy mayor of Brno. He graduated from the program in mathematics and physics teaching at the Faculty of Sciences at Brno’s Masaryk University, where he later received a PhD. He has long been active in environmental organisations, and is a cofounder
of the Brno civic coalition “Station in the Centre”.

Jan Hodovský
A specialist in water management, he served as the head of the Department of Water Protection at the Ministry
of Environmental Protection and secretary of the Central Floods Commission. He took an active role in the preparation of the Environmental Protection Operational Program for 2007–2013.

Petr Bořecký
He is a professional architect as well as a city council member both in Brno and “Brnostřed” district. He works in the
studio a53 architekti, located in Brno, and his party affiliation is with the movement ANO 2011.

Filip Chvátal
AlternateA member of the political party KDU-CSL member of the Commission for strategic and spatial planning and transport committee RMB. He specializes in issues of regional development, planning and transport. He works as a manager
of Voluntary Association of the Municipality Šlapanice

Petr Kunc
AlternateA member of the political party TOP 09, he is an authorised construction engineer and co-founder of the studio atelier.
dwg. Among his political contributions is his promotion of the project ARTE!FAKT, which works to enrich public spaces with artistic objects created by students of architecture or art.