Winning Design
M2AU / Linda Obršálová, Filip Musálek, Daniel Struhařík, Silvia Pajerová, Ondřej Kvaček / Brno
Contracting Authority
Competition type
Open design contest with pre-selection
Competition Results
Preparation of Negotioation Procedure
Prizes and sketching fees
250 000 CZK - 150 000 CZK - 100 000 CZK - sketching fees 5 x 60 000 CZK
The competition was held in the Czech language only.
From 25 requests to participate, the jury selected 8 teams that developed competition proposals. The jury then evaluated these proposals anonymously (the jury did not know who submitted which proposal).
What is the motivation for the revitalization of the Jandus Brothers Square in Uhříněves? The motivation is that the citizens (both old residents and newcomers) and the political representation care about this square, which currently does not quite resemble a square, actually. The location of the intersection of the Říčanka brook and the Přátelství road (formerly the Imperial Road) has a rich factual history, but personal perceptions are also written into its story, as you will have the opportunity to see for yourself in the competition brief.

Ondřej Beneš
Jury ChairArchitect, Atelier Ondřej Beneš

Vojtěch Zelenka
Jury Vice-ChairMayor of Praha 22

Petr Burian
Architect, DAM Architekti

Štěpánka Šmídová
Landscape architect, Šmídová Landscape Architects

Jiří Hejda
City district Praha 22 architect

David Neuhäusl
AlternateArchitect, Neuhäusl Hunal

Ivo Krátký
AlternateCouncillor of Praha 22