Winning Design
Monom Work: Michal Bernart, Igor Hobza, Jitka Rumlová, Jakub Vašek, Petra Malinská, Leoš Drmola / Praha
Contracting Authority
City of Příbram
Competition Type
Open Design Contest, 1 Phase
October 2022
Contract negotiations
Prizes and sketching fees
250 000 CZK – 150 000 CZK – 100 000 CZK – sketches fees 75 000 CZK
CCEA MOBA did not process the competition brief and responses to the supplementary information in this competition. CCEA MOBA only took over the competition once the designs were submitted. This was based on the request of the City of Příbram to organize the jury meeting and the following steps leading to the approval of the competition result by the City Council.
The subject of this architectural-urban design competition was the preparation of a design for the revitalization of J. A. Alise Square in Příbram VI-Březové Hory. The aim of the revitalization is to revive and transform this square into a dignified space that will correspond to the significance of this area and the historical context of the original mining settlement of Březová Hora.
Until the first half of the 20th century, Březová Hora was an independent town with extensive mining activities. In the second half of the 20th century, when uranium mining in the Příbram district was developed, Příbram experienced a rapid construction development, when the entire Březohorské settlement was built, and the construction of houses at the foot of the Březová Hora tailings took place, thus connecting the two towns. Although the J. A. Alise Square has lost its significance from the time when Březová Hora was an independent municipality, it has not lost any of its importance for the inhabitants of this part of the town and at the same time it forms the third square in Příbram, or after T. G. Masaryk Square in old Příbram, the 17th November Square in the Březohorská settlement from the 1950s, the J. A. Alise Square is the natural centre of the third most important part of Příbram - Březová Hora.

Ivan Plicka
Architect and urban planner. Former long-time chairman of ČKA. Since 2021 a member of the Doctoral Study Programme of Architecture and Urbanism at the Czech Technical University in Prague.

Vladimír Sitta
He completed his studies at the Brno University of Life Sciences in Brno in the field of landscape architecture. After a patient and unnecessary wait for change, he emigrated in 1979, first to West Germany and then to Australia. His activities included: Landscape architecture, architecture, urban design, land art, monuments, mostly outdoor furniture design, scenography, graphic design, drawing, ceramics, exhibition installations.

David Mateásko
He studied architecture and scenography. After his studies he briefly turned to film. At the beginning of his architectural practice he worked on theatre adaptations and later on new buildings, reconstructions and interiors, mostly private. Since 2016, he has been the architect of the city of Kolín, where he is engaged in conceptual work on the city's spatial development and specific projects. He presents and promotes the topic of architecture in guided tours of the national event "Architecture Day" and in his own lecture series "Adventures of Architecture". Since 2012 he has been a member of the Court of the Czech Chamber of Authorized Architects. Since 2014 as its chairman. Since 2018 he has been working in Germany.

Patrik Hoffman
AlternateHe studied architecture at the Czech Technical University, and in 2004 was nominated as a co-author for the European Mies van der Rohe Award for the construction of a lighting factory in Koloděje near Prague. With Martin Rajniš he is the co-author of the new Czech Post Office on Sněžka. He has won two prestigious awards - the Grand Prix of Architects 2013 for the reconstruction of the Coal Mill in Libčice nad Vltavou and the title of Building of the Year 2013 for the reconstruction of the Coal Mill in Libčice nad Vltavou and the title of Building of the Year 2013 for the new construction of the Aparthotel complex in Krásná Lípa. He has built family housing and commercial buildings for major Czech investors.

Jan Konvalinka
Mayor of Příbram

Věra Smolová
Věra Smolová, Head of the State District Archive Příbram

Martin Buršík
Alternate1st Deputy Mayor of Příbram

Zorka Brožíková
AlternateDeputy Mayor of Příbram