Winning Design
muoto + peer / Gilles Delalex, Yves Moreau + Daniel Struhařík, Jan Urbášek, Georgi Dimitrov / Paris + Brno
Contracting authority
RSPV Five s.r.o. - project company from RSJ Investments
Competition type
Open Call with preselection, Competitive Dialogue
Status - more info on the project
All six proposals will be presented soon.
A total of 84 architectural studios from both the Czech Republic and abroad have entered the competition for the design of a house located at the end of Revoluční street in Prague, opposite the Merkur Palace. The jury has selected six architectural studios from among the applicants, and their representatives, after visiting the site, started work on their designs.
The jurors selected the following studios to develop their design proposal: Sou Fujimoto Atelier Paris; Petr Hájek Architekti; Ivan Kroupa Architekti; in collaboration Studio Muoto from Paris and PEER from Brno; a Dutch consortium comprising NL Architects, Shift Architecture Urbanism, and DS Landschapsarchitecten; and Tham & Videgård Arkitekter from Sweden.
We are looking for an author team of a high-quality, bold and confident house that will fit perfectly into its surroundings and that will bring something new and beneficial to Prague.
The site is a specific combination of Prague‘s veduta, proximity to the river, natural entrance to city‘s center, and architectural richness. A very small plot requires a thoughtful solution of a corner house and a house levitating above the adjacent yard.
The subject of the competition is the design of two houses with apartments and a shop at the intersection of Lannova - Revoluční, in one of the most challenging locations in the centre of Prague.

Winy Maas
ChairDutch architect. Graduated from RHSTL Boskoop and TU Delft, which is also his home academic institution. He is currently a visiting professor of architectural design at MIT in Boston and the FA CTU in Prague. In 1993, he founded the studio MVRDV together with Jacob van Rijs and Nathalie de Vries.

Jakub Mikulášek
Vice-ChairIn RSJ Investments investiční společnost a.s. he is responsible for real estate and development investments. He is a member of the statutory bodies of selected companies invested in through funds managed by RSJ Investments investment company a.s.

Barbora Markechová
She graduated from the Slovak University of Technol¬ogy in Bratislava and gained foreign academic experience in Lyon and Stockholm. During her studies, she worked in Paris, she then relocated to London, where she worked for the architectural firm Foster + Partners. She joined Bogle Archi¬tects in 2012 and four years later became the director of the Prague office.

Adam Gebrian
An architect and promoter of architecture, he graduated from the Faculty of Art and Architecture at the Technical University in Liberec, studied in Los Angeles, and worked in London and Paris. In 2015 he was awarded the Architect of the Year award. He is a theoretical, critical, and media activist. He participated in the creation of the Centre for Architecture and Urban Planning (CAMP) in Prague.

Ondřej Císler
Graduated from the Czech Technical University, where he also runs a studio. His architectural office called AOC Architects prepared the study Hradební Korzo from 2020, which defines the completion of Revoluční Street.

Tomáš Veselý
Deputy Director of the City of Prague Municipality for the section of decision-making on the territory.

Filip Dvořák
Chairman of the Commission for Territorial Development and Public Space of the Municipal District of Prague 1.

Jana Moravcová
alternateGraduate of FA CTU. She worked in Rotterdam and Prague in the offices of ADR and Ivan Kroupa architects before founding her own studio and the eponymous Norm-a gallery. She worked as an assistant in the Architecture 2 studio at the Prague Academy of Fine Arts.

Lukáš Musil
alternateMember of the Board of RSJ Investments investiční společnost a.s. strategically seeks and manages investments in real estate and development. He is a member of the statutory bodies of selected companies belonging to RSJ's investment portfolio.