Contracting Authority
the municipality of Zeleneč
Competition Type
open architectural and urban design competition, 2 phases
Submission of proposals, 1st Phase
Submission of Proposals, 2nd Phase
Prizes and sketch fees
CZK 800 000 – CZK 500 000 – CZK 300 000 – sketch fees 2x CZK 200 000
Mandatory use of electronic tool
The municipality of Zeleneč is announcing an open, two-phase architectural and urban design competition for the new centre of Zeleneč.
The rapidly growing municipality on the outskirts of Prague currently lacks a commercial and administrative centre. However, it has a brownfield site near the train station that has the potential to meet this need. The goal of the competition is to create a high-quality and attractive space in the centre of Zeleneč that will provide facilities for services, social interaction, and gathering for residents and visitors alike. The design should include essential community amenities, such as a municipal office, office spaces, a municipal police station, a healthcare centre, residential units, and retail spaces. The newly developed area should become a central and representative place in the municipality.
Competition Conditions
Competition Brief
Contracting Authority's Profile - full documentation
David Hlouch
jury chairAn independent authorised architect, he established his own practice in 2005. After two-year stay in the USA, he joined the Czech Chamber of Architects (ČKA) in 2013, member and later vice-chairman, he focused primarily on legislation, digitalisation, spatial and architectural competitions. In addition to design and consultancy services in the architecture, urban planning, and spatial planning, he has held the position of mayor of the municipality since 2014, engaging in local politics, spatial development, and public investments, level of local and regional self-governments.
Vít Šikýř
jury vice-chairmayor of Zeleneč
Jan Kalivoda
He graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at Czech Technical University (FA ČVUT) under the guidance of Ivan Kroupa. In 2006, he co-founded the architectural studio PROGRES Architects Kaas. His work encompasses architecture, small-scale urbanism, landscaping, industrial, exhibition design. He complements his practice with lectures, consultations at the Faculty and participation in juries. He is the author of the extension of the Jára Cimrman Primary the Technical Services Base in Prague Lysolaje (GPOA), and the development plan for of Nučice.
Tereza Vojtěšková
An architect originally from Plzeň, she graduated in architecture from UMPRUM in 2013, studio of Jindřich Smetana. After years of gaining experience, she established her Vojtěšek Architects, in 2021, where she and her husband focus
primarily on the topics revitalisations of buildings and larger complexes. She has extensive experience collaborating with municipalities, cities, and regions on strategic, conceptual, and project assignments, such project of the former
Secondary Agricultural School complex in Dalovice, in the Karlovy Vary Region.
Roman Doležal
Member of the Council Zeleneč
Petr Bureš
náhradníkVystudoval Ateliér architektury II na UMPRUM. Spoluzaložil architektonické studio Amulet, které se věnuje jak designu a navrhování drobné architektury, tak soutěžím většího měřítka. Amulet cílí i na přesahy do teorie a historie oboru; tuto činnost zpracovává formou podcastové série Mluvící objekty.
Anna Laubová
náhradniceVystudovala Fakultu architektury ČVUT v Praze. Krátce po ukončení studia v roce 2022 se začala věnovat vlastním projektům rozmanitého měřítka, od veřejných prostorů přes novostavby a rekonstrukce až k návrhům interiérů. Úspěšně se účastnila řady architektonických soutěží; její návrh na revitalizaci náměstí Almy Rosé v Jihlavě
získal sdílené druhé místo.
Pavel Fajt
náhradník- místostarosta obce Zeleneč