Winning Design
UNIT architekti: Filip Tittl, Michal Kohout, David Tichý, Šárka Doležalová, Marie Gelová, Luboš Klabík, Filip Lux, Adéla Medunová, Lukáš Tittl, Jitka Žambochová; cooperation: Michal Decker
Contracting Authority
City of Brno
Competition Type
Open Design Contest, 2 Phase
The city of Brno cancelled this project.
1 800 000 CZK – 1 200 000 CZK – 750 000 CZK
The subject of the competition wasthe urban planning and transport solution for a new main rail station in Brno, situated in the locality below Petrov Hill, and simultaneously the formulation of a strategy for the emergence of a viable urban district corresponding to the needs and realities of the 21st and 22nd centuries.
The southern portion of the centre of Brno is a unique locality that has long remained an architecturally passive zone. Its formation was the result of the unplanned interweaving of rail lines and the initial growth and later decline of industrial production over the past 150 years. This prominent and complex brownfield, an area open for development, is slowly being transformed on the level of individual building activities.
This competition approached the development area in the centre of Brno as an opportunity for a new reconceptualizing of the city. The competition seeked a differing view of this locality than simply the pragmatic installation of high-rise structures, or the creation of an internal periphery.
The goal was to find a solution that will be resilient, adaptable, sustainable, and aesthetically satisfying, whether from the standpoints of architecture, urban planning, or transport. The task that the competition presented to architects and other experts was the design of a process that should be initiated by the city itself and should lead to the formation of a fully valid and integral section of a modern European city.

Roger Riewe
Jury ChairA German architect trained at the Rhineland-Westphalia Technical University (RWTH) in Aachen, he founded his own architectural studio in 1987, with partner Florian Riegler, in Graz, Austria. The studio’s successful international practice has, since this date, led to the opening of additional branches in Katowice (Poland) and Berlin. Among the major realisations of Riegler Riewe Architects are the Silesian Museum in Katowice and the main rail station in Innsbruck – both of which were winning entries in architectural competitions.

Petr Vokřál
Jury Vice-ChairCurrently the deputy chairman of the political party ANO 2011, he has served since November 2014 as the officiating mayor of the City of Brna. A graduate of the Civil Engineering Faculty of the Brno Technical University (VUT), he was employed until 1991 in the Research Institute of Engineering Construction. Before his entry into politics, he gained experience as a corporate manager, in a range of leading positions from general manager for the Czech Republic, for the European region, up to chairman of the board of a multinational holding company. He lives in the Brno neighbourhood of Kníničky.

Ivan Plicka
The current chair of the Czech Chamber of Architects, he is also the head of the department of Urban Design at the Faculty of Architecture in the Czech Technical University in Prague (ČVUT). In addition to his pedagogic work, focusing primarily on context and continuity in design, he also manages a private architectural practice. In the Chamber of Architects, he also has a position in the Working Group for Urban Planning, Urban Design and Landscapes. He has been active on the question of architectural competitions.

Silja Tillner
An Austrian architect, she has since 1995 headed the Viennese studio Tillner & Willinger Architects in cooperation with Alfred Willinger. She received her architectural training at both the Technical University and the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, as well as postgraduate study in urban design at the University of California-Los Angeles. In addition, during her time in Los Angeles she worked on urban projects in the city centre. Tillner & Willinger Architects have won a great many commissions through success in competitions. Among their most interesting current projects is Vienna Urbion.

Jiří Oplatek
A native of Brno, he graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at the Brno Technical University (VUT). Since 1969, he has lived and worked in Basel, Switzerland; first as a member of the studio Vischer+ Weber, then after 1981 as a partner in Vischer + Oplatek Architekten. For over twenty years, he has maintained his own studio, now Oplatek Architekten, as well as lecturing and teaching in the Czech Republic and supervising diploma projects at the VUT Faculty of Architecture.

Sándor Finta
A graduate of the Budapest Technical and Economic University, he co-founded in 2002 the atelier sporaarchitects, which counts among its major projects the Szent Gellért tér and Fövám tér stations on the new Budapest metro line in 2012 and 2013. In 2005, he was also a founder of KÉK – the Centre for Contemporary Hungarian Architecture. During the past ten years of its existence, KÉK has made a significant name for itself on the domestic and international architectural and cultural scenes, having organised over 500 projects. Since 2012, Sándor Finta has served as the chief architect of the City of Budapest.

Jan Pavlíček
A trained engineer, he is a board member of the Brno Regional Office of the Czech Chamber of Authorised Engineers and Technicians in Construction (ČKAIT) as well as an associate professor at the Department of Ground Transport at the Brno Technical University (VUT). He has held the position of head of the transportation committee of the South Moravian Regional Government, and is the architect of the integrated transport system for the South Moravian region.

Jaroslav Wertig
A graduate of the Faculty of Architecture at the Czech Technical University (ČVUT) in Prague, he joined Boris Redčenkov and Prokop Tomášek to found the atelier A69 – Architekti in 1997. Buildings realised by A69 have a tradition of winning both Czech and international awards. In addition, Jaroslav Wertig is known for his lectures and popularisation activities, as well as teaching since 2010 at the private architecture school ARCHIP in Prague. He is a co-author for the urban plan for the wider centre of Karlovy Vary and of the concept of the new neighbourhood Smíchov City in Prague.

Martin Ander
A teacher and politician originally from Vyškov, Ander is a member of the Green party, and is filling his second term in the post of Deputy Mayor of Brno. He graduated from the program in mathematics and physics teaching at the Faculty of Sciences at Brno’s Masaryk University, where he later received a PhD. He has long been active in environmental organisations, and is a co-founder of the Brno civic coalition “Station in the Centre”.

Matěj Hollan
Deputy Mayor, a native of Brno, he is the leader of the political movement “Žít Brno s podporou Pirátů” [Living Brno with the support of the Czech Pirates’ Party], which after the 2014 municipal elections became part of the present governing coalition. He achieved public recognition as a civic activist, focusing on the restriction of gambling and specific disputes over public spaces in the city. He is a member of the civic coalition “Station in the Centre”, and holds a degree in musicology from the Faculty of Arts at Masaryk University.

Petr Hladík
Deputy Mayor of the “Brno-sever” district, a graduate of the Faculty of Informatics at Masaryk University in Brno; he now works, in addition to his other activity, as project manager in an information-systems development company. He is a member of the Christian Democratic Party (KDU-ČSL) and chair of the party’s youth wing. In terms of municipal politics, his chief areas of concern are housing questions, the needs of young people, and increasing the effectiveness of public administration.

Ondřej Chybík
AlternateOriginally from Brno, he also graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at the Brno Technical University. After his studies, part of which took place in Graz, Austria, he worked in the Viennese atelier PPAG. In 2010 he founded in cooperation with Michal Krištof the architectural studio CHYBIK+KRISTOF ARCHITECTS & URBAN DESIGNERS. In addition to prizes won in architectural competitions, the studio has as its most recent success the realisation of the Czech pavilion at Expo 2015 in Milan.

Vladimír Šlapeta
AlternateA graduate of the Faculty of Architecture at the Czech Technical University, he was the head for nearly twenty years of the architecture department at the National Technical Museum in Prague. Active as a lecturer and author both nationally and internationally, his chief interests include the interwar Functionalist architecture of Brno. Šlapeta is regarded as one of the leading Czech architectural historians and theorists, having served as the dean of the ČVUT Faculty of Architecture and also (2006-2010) as dean of the Faculty of Architecture at the Brno Technical University (VUT), where he now is head of the Department of Theory as well as his own atelier.

Ivan Lejčar
AlternatePrimarily specialising in construction associated with transport, from conception of land-use plans to realisations on the smallest scale, he is a graduate of the Faculty of Architecture at the Czech Technical University (ČVUT) in Prague. His atelier Alej has a specific focus on urban-planning and transport strategies and urban planning conceptions, regulation plans for localities with complicated transport problems and guidelines for harmonisation of transport structures with urban and natural landscapes. In 2006, he prepared the study “Brno-Station in the Centre”, which addressed the rebuilding of the rail junction in Brno in its current position below Petrov Hill.

Petr Bořecký
AlternateThe head of the Commission for Strategic and Land-Use Planning of the Brno City council; he is a professional architect as well as a city council member both in Brno and “Brno-střed” district.. He works in the studio a53 architekti, located in Brno, and his party affiliation is with the movement ANO 2011.

Jana Drápalová
AlternateA longstanding member of the Brno City Council, she has since 2002 served as district mayor for Brno-Nový Lískovec and, as of the present year, as chair of the Green Party. She graduated in animal husbandry from the Faculty of Agronomy at Gregor Mendel University in Brno. Previously, she headed the regional association of the Czech Alliance for Nature Protection and assisted in the mapping and preservation of wells in Brno and the vicinity.