Winning desing
Vojtěch Tecl, Tereza Brussmannová, Savka Marenić, Adam Šustek, Jakub Rajnoch
Contracting Authority
Praha 10
Praparation of negotiation procedure
Art installation in the public space of Prague 10
The subject of the competition was to find the best artistic representation of the homage to Jiřina Hauková and Jindřich Chalupecký - the best solution of artistic intervention in the Park of Jiřina Hauková and Jindřich Chalupecký between Vršovická and U Vršovického nádraží streets in Prague 10. The competition aimed to find a partner for the city district of Prague 10 to create a quality contemporary art installation in a public space, following the rules set by the Art for the City Program.
All proposals also included short videos - all of them can be viewed in THIS PLAYLIST

Tomáš Vaněk
Jury ChairArtist, rector of the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague

Jana Komrsková
Jury Vice-Chair1st Deputy Mayor of Prague 10

Karina Kottová
Curator, Head of the board of Jindřich Chalupecký Society

Milan Houser
Artist, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts, BUT

Edith Jeřábková
Curator, theorist

Renata Chmelová
Mayor of Prague 10

Milan Valovič
Deputy Mayor of Prague 10

David Kašpar
alternateDeputy Mayor of Prague 10