Winning Design
ohboi and JIKA-CZ / Brno and Hradec Králové
Contracting Authority
Praha 10
Competition Type
Open Design Contest, 2 Phases
March 2022
Negotiation Procedure
Prizes and sketching fees
1 200 000 CZK - 900 000 CZK - 450 000 CZK + sketching fees 3 x 150 000 CZK
The aim of the competition is to design a town house on a plot belonging to the Eden Cultural House and to present the concept of public spaces of the entire affected area. The aim of the competition is to design a building that combines several programs, especially rental housing on the upper floors with a cultural program, shops, and services on the lower floors, which will enliven this location and allow time to spend inside and around the building - whether it will be cafes and restaurants or cultural activities inside and outside the house itself.

Martina Buřičová
Jury ChairArchitect, / Graduate of the Faculty of Architecture of the Czech Technical University in Prague, where she also works as an assistant professor and teaches the basics of architectural design to first-year students. After several years of cooperation with S.H.S. architects and internship in France, she founded her own architectural studio (read: line A) together with Štěpán Kubíček. Among other awards, this studio won the 2010 Grand Prix of the Society of Czech Architects in the category of reconstruction.

Martin Valovič
Jury Vice-ChairDeputy Mayor of the Town District Prague 10 / He studied architecture at the Faculty of Architecture of the Czech Technical University in Prague (member of CCA). He has been running his own architectural office since 1992. He currently works as the Deputy Mayor of the Prague 10 district, responsible for territorial development, monument care, and business support.

Günter Katherl
Architect, Caramel Architekten / He studied architecture at the Vienna University of Technology and the University of Michigan, USA. He worked in the studio of Ernst Hoffmann in Graz since 1992 and for the Paris office of Dominique Perrault since 1995. In 1998, he founded the Haller + Katherl office, which became the basis for the future Caramel Architekten studio; he now runs together with two other partners. They have won many domestic and international awards over the years. Their most famous projects include the Faculty of Mechatronics and the Science Park in Linz, the Wifi-Dornbirn complex, and the administrative and operational building in Ansfelden.

Oana Radeş
Architect, Shift Architecture Urbanism / Graduated in architecture from the Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urban Planning in Bucharest and the Delft University of Technology. She worked for several years in the MVRDV studio, and she founded the Shift architecture urbanism office based in Rotterdam with two other partners in 2005. Their latest realizations include several museum buildings and a complex in Kerkrade or assisted living in Tilburg.

Ivan Kroupa
Architect, Ivan Kroupa architekti / As a graduate of the Faculty of Architecture of the Czech Technical University in Prague, where he also taught, he now runs a studio at the Academy of Arts, Architecture, and Design in Prague. He established his own office Ivan Kroupa Architects, in 1990, whose realizations include the DOX Center for Contemporary Art, the Industrial Gallery, and the Press Museum in České Budějovice. In 2019 he was awarded the Prize of the Ministry of Culture for his contribution in the field of architecture.

Jana Komrsková
1st Deputy Mayor of the Town District Prague 10 / Since 2018, she has been the deputy mayor of the Prague 10 district with responsibility for the environment, municipal joint-stock companies, sports, and leisure.

Milan Maršálek
Chairman of the Committee on the Environment and Infrastructure of the Town District Prague 10 / He studied landscape engineering at the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague. Subsequently, he worked at the local Faculty of the Environment for several years as a technical and pedagogical worker. He is a representative of the Prague 10 district in his second term. He currently chairs the Committee on the Environment and infrastructure of the Municipal District of Prague 10 and the Commission of Territorial Development of the Municipal District of Prague 10.

Alexandra Georgescu
AlternateArchitect, KOGAA / She studied at the Piet Zwart Institute in the Netherlands, where she obtained an Interior Architecture and Retail Design Master Degree. She previously studied in Great Britain, Denmark, and Italy. She worked for SPARK Architects in Beijing and Studio Brioschi in Milan. She is a co-founding partner of the Brno office of KOGAA. Their well-known realizations are the reconstruction of The Distillery and the DADA District in Brno.

Martin Sekal
AlternateDeputy Mayor of the Town District Prague 10 / Since 2019, he has been the deputy mayor of the Prague 10 district with responsibility for transport and parking, and the reconstruction of the town hall.

Michal Kočí
AlternateMember of the Council of the Town District Prague 10 / Since 2018, the councilor of the Prague 10 district has been responsible for social and health policy and security.

David Kašpar
AlternateDeputy Mayor of the Town District Prague 10 / He has long been involved in the city's creative development and cultural management. He cooperated with the Institute of Planning and Development of Prague, where he was the guarantor of the culture area of the Strategic Plan of the Capital City of Prague. of Prague. Since 2012, he has been the director of the contributory organization Prague 14 Cultural. He is the chairman of the board of directors of the registered Creative Prague Institute. He also works as an assistant professor at the Department of Production at DAMU in Prague.