New Eden - House of Prague 10

  • (2 - 4. 8. 2021)
    mali by sme dotaz ohľadom zadaných súťažných podmienok, kde v samotnom obsahu podmienok je v bode 13) spomenutá „Žádost o účast“, pričom následne v súťažných podmienkach takáto skutočnosť nie je uvedená, a preto nám nie je jasné, či je nutné zaslať žiadosť o účast, alebo nie, a teda stačí rovno predložiť súťažný návrh.

    The competition is announced as an open two-phase competition, so in the first phase of the competition it is necessary to submit a competition proposal and not a request to participate, see the competition conditions.

  • (1 - 4. 8. 2021)
    mali by sme dotaz ohľadom odovzdávania jednotlivých častí súťažného návrhu, a to konkrétne „Prohlášení“ a „Identifikace.“ Jedná sa o to, že pri ostatných častiach súťažného návrhu v časti 13 súťažných podmienok je uvedený ich spôsob i forma odovzdania, ktorá práve pri týchto dvoch častiach chýba. Tak by sme sa chceli spýtať, akým spôsobom a v akej forme budú tieto dokumenty odevzdané, či elektronicky alebo fyzicky, alebo aj aj.

    The Sworn statement is submitted electronically and the Identification data is both electronic and physical together with The panels and The booklet, but the identification must be ensured in printed form so that the author is not identified ideally by placing it in a closed opaque envelope called "Author".

  • (2 - 27. 7. 2021)
    Since it is asked in the brief to connect the newly-designed parking system to the existing one, Is it possible to have the plans for the existing underground parking system?

    Since it is private property the city does not have the plans.

  • (1 - 27. 7. 2021)
    Is it allowed to modify the existing car ramp inside the plot in order to better arrange the circulation within the area?

    Yes, it is possible, but it is private property and it will be difficult to agree on the modification of the existing ramp as part of the permitting process.

  • (1 - 20. 7. 2021)
    Please, be so kind to specify the terrain elevation data nearby the planned building. The EDN P.02_2D drawing contains a layer with the terrain contour lines, but without numbering. Please specify one of the contour lines as the level ± 0,00 and give height numbers to the others inside the delimited competition area

    The terrain contour lines, please read from the joined images:
    3d model printescreen - vertex z
    3d model printescreen - contour lines