Winning Design
Josef Choc, Filip Rašek, Jonáš Mikšovský, Natálie Kristýnková, Barbora Lopraisová, Emily Hillová
Contracting Authority
Praha 7
Competition Type
Open Design Contest, 2 Phases
June 2022
Negotiation preparation
Prizes and sketching fees
1 200 000 CZK - 900 000 CZK - 650 000 CZK + sketching fees 3 x 200 000 CZK
The subject of the competition wasthe new building of the Jan Vodňanský Elementary School, which will be one of the first buildings that will determine the appearance of the newly emerging block of buildings in Prague's Holešovice. The subject of the competition wasthe design of the new primary school, including the outdoor spaces and the restoration of the Přádelní alley for pedestrians and cyclists (or the necessary supply). The aim was to find a solution that defines meaningful urbanism of the place with reasonable economic costs of construction and operation of the building, as well as creative and sophisticated architecture and defines a clear idea of a school for the 21st century that respects the current ecological, social and aesthetic requirements.
The future school is named after Jan Vodňanský, an important writer, actor, songwriter, as well as a citizen and patriot of the Prague 7 district, who was born in 1941 and lived in Holešovice for many years. His work was largely dedicated to children, but also to adults, and was characterized by original imagination full of puns and intelligent humor. In 2017, he received the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Seventh District.

Martin Rusina
Jury ChairGraduate of the Faculty of Architecture at the Czech Technical University and the School of Architecture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. Since 2013, together with Martin Frei, he has been running the Rusina Frei Architekti architectural studio, with which they have realized buildings and public spaces of many scales. In recent years they have also been successful in many architectural competitions. Among other things, they have won a competition for the reconstruction and extension of a primary school in Prague-Písnice.

Jan Čižinský
Jury Vice-ChairHe is the mayor of the Prague 7 municipal district with responsibility for finance, investments in education, etc. He studied history and Latin at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University and political science and international relations at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University. He taught history, Latin, and civic education and lectured economic history at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University. For ten years he led a scout troop at the Břevnov Monastery. He co-organized a successful referendum against the construction of an overpriced town hall in Prague 7.

Ilham Laraqui
French architect who realizes buildings exclusively from architectural competitions. Her projects include the Saint-Ouen Community House of 2010 and the Chaville Cultural and Community Centre of 2015. She is active in the Paris Chamber of Architects, where she promotes and monitors the quality of outputs from public architectural competitions.

Gaofei Tan
He is an architect practicing in China and Belgium, where he has been running the architectural studio ACT with his colleague Chen since 2015. Their practice combines experience from the East and the high level of Belgian architecture. They stick to the scale of smaller buildings. In the competition for the Dolní Měcholupy Primary School, they received an exceptional award for the exceptionally pleasing proportions, human scale, and legible structure of the competition design.

Zdeněk Chmel
He studied architecture at the FA BUT and Berner Fachhochschule in Switzerland. After an internship at the architectural studio Herzog de Meuron in 2016, he founded the Malý Chmel architectural studio with two partners, whose first project is the award-winning extension of a new school in Nezamyslice. In the last year, they have won or been awarded in many competitions, such as the 4 Dvory Houses in České Budějovice or the Gymnasium at the Václav Hejna Primary School in Červený Kostelec.

Lenka Burgerová
She is the Deputy Mayor of the Prague 7 district with the competence of territorial development, ad. She is an architect and historian by profession, and spends several hours a week teaching the development of urbanism and other urban topics at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Economics in Ústí nad Labem and at the Faculty of Arts of the Czech Technical University and the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University in Prague. She participates in several non-profit projects dedicated to the promotion and preservation of architectural and artistic heritage, and is a member of the CCA Working Group for Education.

Hana Šišková
She is a councilor of the Prague 7 municipality with competence in education, education, etc. She studied piano and musicology, part of her studies abroad. She works as a translator and teacher of English and piano. She is co-founder and chairwoman of the Korunka Society at the Korunovační Primary School. She has long been involved in the issue of primary education, especially education in the field of language and education of children with special educational needs.

Lenka Milerová
alternateShe studied architecture at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the Czech Technical University and then at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. After internships in several studios around the world, she established her own practice in 2018. She is an active participant in various architectural competitions. She gained experience in evaluating and commenting on architectural designs while working as an assistant head of the Císler-Milerová studio at the CTU.

Petr Bureš
alternateIn 2017, he completed his studies in architecture at UMPRUM in Prague, during which he completed an internship in London and in a sculpture studio. In 2020 he established his own practice, where he designs houses and amenities. He was selected for the jury as the author of an economically and architecturally superior design for a primary school in Dolní Měcholupy.

Pavel Zelenka
alternateHe is the deputy mayor of Prague 7 with responsibility for strategic projects, public procurement, etc. He is a deputy of MHMP. At the end of his studies at the 1st Faculty of Medicine at Charles University, he turned to graphic design and founded the Marvil graphic studio; he led rebranding projects for ČEZ, VZP, Lesy ČR, PPF, SŽDC, CzechTourism, TON. For five years he lectured at UMPRUM on branding, for ten years he was editor of the international professional magazine Typo, for two years he was a member of the board of the international typographic association ATypI.

Ondřej Synek
alternateHe is a member of the Commission for the Development of Urbanism, Architecture, and Public Space of the Prague 7 City Council. In 2011, he graduated from the School of Architecture under Professor Emil Přikryl at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague and subsequently co-founded the re:architekti architectural studio, where he still works today. From 2011 to 2017, together with Michal Kuzemenský, he headed the architecture and urbanism studio at the Faculty of Architecture of the Czech Technical University.