New Gate Olbrachtova

Send your questions at

  • Do you have an estimation of the projected floor area of the project ? It is important for it will govern the size of the references we might present

    At the moment we understand that we would have to undergo the zoning plan change, thus the size of the project is not specified. The ambition is to find a solution, for the 9.356 m2 of the site, that would take into account the surrounding objects, that are even 12+ stories high on one side and lower buildings on the other. As well it needs to respect the general views regulation by Prague.

  • Is an indemnity planned for the production of the final deliverables, and especially the model?

    The costs for participation and thus also for the production of the model (for selected participants) are included in the prizes and in the sketch fee. The first prize is 1,200,000 CZK (46,300 EUR), the second prize is 800,000 CZK (30,800 EUR) and the third prize is 400,000 CZK (15,400 EUR), the sketch fee is 300,000 CZK (11,500 EUR) for each participant who submits a proposal and participates in all presentations, but does not receive a prize.

  • Mohl bych získat více informací ohledně velikosti zmiňovaného záměru, abychom si udělali představu o měřítku?

    At the moment we understand that we would have to undergo the zoning plan change, thus the size of the project is not specified. The ambition is to find a solution, for the 9.356 m2 of the site, that would take into account the surrounding objects, that are even 12+ stories high on one side and lower buildings on the other. As well it needs to respect the general views regulation by Prague.

  • Co se týče přihlášky tak zde máte připravenou předepsanou formu pro portfolio, čestné prohlášení a kontaktní údaje nebo je forma na nás?

    The recommended form of the application is given in Brief and templates for identification data and affidavit are part of competition documents (PP.01 and PP.02).

  • Is there any template for:
    • Title Page “Statement of motivation,” consisting of a maximum of 200 words, where the contestant would present himself and describe the motivation to participate in this competition.
    • Pages 2 and 3 with a header clearly identifying the participant: 2 reference projects displayed in any way. For reference projects, the following information will be provided: (1) name and location of the project, (2) the author, or the team and collaborators, (3) the date of the project and, where applicable, the year of the successfully completed project phase from the zoning decision to implementation - and at what stage the project is at, (4) construction investor / contracting authority, (5) the price of the construction, or the calculation/estimation of investment costs.
    or this part of the request is up to potential particapants.

    There are no templates for the application page with a "statement of motivation" and for pages intended for the presentation of reference projects. Their processing is at the discretion of the participants.

  • Can reference projects be proposals developed for architectural competitions?

    Yes. Competition proposal also can be a reference project.

  • Does the team who developed the reference projects must be the same team that's is going to participate in the competition? (considering that we are willing to participate as a company).

    Of course, the whole team doesn't have to be the same. The key is that the main authors of the reference projects are those who enter the competition.

  • Is there any specific conditions that reference projects must meet? (eg. total area, programme, time, etc).

    The size of the project, the program, or its age is not limited. It is up to the participants to choosethe references to convince the jury to be selected to compete.

  • To sign all documentation, should we use a qualified electronic signature? or scanned signature is accepted?

    A scan of the signature is sufficient to sign the documents; an electronic signature is not necessary.

  • In case of partecipation as an team of two studio or single authorized architects could the association be not formalized as an association?

    In case you apply as more than one person or more companies, it is necessary to define one representative of the team with whom the contract will be signed and will bear the contractual obligations. This natural person or a representative of a legal entity must meet the requirement for professional qualification - to have an authorization.

  • Is it necessary, that all team members are signing the documents OLB_PP.01 and OLB_PP.02?

    Documents PP.01 and PP.02 are to be signed by the participant. The participant can be one natural person, one legal entity, or a combination thereof (in the case of a combination, the PP.02 signature is required from all participants who appear in the combination). The executive signs on behalf of the legal entity. The participant is the one with whom the contract and the commission will be subsequently negotiated. The participant's team is listed to give credit to everyone involved in the proposal. Team members do not have to sign these documents.

  • Is there a 3D model of the surrounding of the site available? Překlad: Je k dispozici 3D model okolí?

    Yes, the 3D model will be provided as well as other materials to the selected participants.

  • After the selection of the teams on 05.05. the first processing steps take place in quick succession:
    7. 6. 2021: volume of the building What is the asked content of this delivery? Mainly about urban planning aspects? Drawings? Simple visualizations?

    The submission of the building volume should document the height and mass of the considered contour in the context of the surrounding development. Facade drawings or floor plans are not necessary.

  • Workshop II (28. - 29. 6. 2021): presentation of the design to the jury, including the delivery of printed panels and a eventually draft insertion model participation of all competitors with the jury Will the presentations have held in person? Due to Covid, traveling will not be ‘easy’ in these days… Is there the possibility to have a presentation online? Or both, Local partner in person, and we online…?

    We are optimistic at the moment, and we are planning a meeting in person. Still, if that would mean quarantine or complicated processing of travel permits, it is possible to participate in the online presentation. We will monitor the situation and negotiate with the selected studios and jurors on how to act. Both options are possible.

  • Call for finalization of the proposal - 7. 7. 2021: What is the asked content of this delivery? Rework and implementation of the feedback of workshop II?

    Within this period, you will receive a recommendation from the jury and experts. The time to rework the proposal is until September when the final submission of the proposal is planned.

  • Chtěla bych se zeptat v jaké fázi mohou být referenční projekty (DUR, DSP nebo realizace).
    EN: I would like to ask at what stage the reference projects (zoning permit, building permit or implementation) can be..

    Reference projects can be projects at all stages of documentation, implementation and competitive proposals or (yet) unrealized studies.

  • Plánujeme být jako tým našich dvou ateliérů, pak budeme mít i nějaké další spolupracovníky. Kontaktní osoba bych měla být já. Na formuláři PP.01 tedy vyplníme do políčka ÚČASTNÍK údaje obou ateliérů? Anebo tam mohu nechat jen jeden ateliér a já se pak napíšu do pole Další autoři? Je to jedno nebo je např nutná navíc i nějaká vzájemná dohoda, pokud budeme jako „účastník“ uvedeni oba - případně stačila by pak až pokud bychom byli vybraní dál?
    U spolupracovníků je to pak jasné, budou tam jen zmínění a na konci přidají podpisy.
    Čestné prohlášení PP.02 určitě dodají oba ateliéry.
    EN: We plan to be a team of our two studios, then we will have some other collaborators. The contact person should be me. So, on the PP.01 form, do we fill in the data of both studios in the PARTICIPANT field? Or can I leave only one studio there and then I write in the field Other authors? Does it matter or, for example, is a mutual agreement necessary if we are both listed as "participants" - or would it be enough if we were selected further?
    It is then clear to co-workers, they will only be mentioned and they will add signatures at the end.
    Both studios will certainly deliver the PP.02 affidavit.

    Example: participation of two studios and filling in the document PP.01
    contact person - any person nominated by the contestant as a single point of contact for the competition
    participant - either one or both studios; competitors hereby indicate with whom will be a contract signed. In the case of the private contracting authority, this may be modified in favor of the matter after the competition, but it is good to signal that you are already a little clear about this. If both studios are participants, you will probably be in a consortium. If one studio is a participant, the other will probably be in some subcontracting relationship.
    An agreement on the relationship between you at this stage is not necessary.
    Yes - it is enough for collaborators to be listed, they do not fill in anything.
    Yes - the signed document PP.02 is supplied by both studios.

  • Chtěli bychom se zeptat, zda žádost o účast bude také posuzovat mezinárodní porota?
    EN: We would like to ask whether the request to participate will also be judged by an international jury?

    Yes, it will be the jury (in composition as published) who will evaluate the requests to participate.

  • In case of two legal entities entering the competition in one team the declaration of meeting the competition terms (PP.02) must be signed by both of them. Can we extend the set of pages to 6, when there will be two separate declarations in our case (for each legal entity)? Or shall we stick to just 5 allowed pages and scale down the pages of declaration just to one single page?

    It is no problem to extend the set of pages for the reason described. Feel free to do so.

  • We would like to ask if on the form PP.01, the 'cooperating persons’ can be added with the Workshop II or III or if is mandatory to present them with the inscription.

    During the course of the competition, you can freely expand your team by other cooperating persons.