Winning Design
20YY Designers
Contracting Authority
Terezín memorial
Competition type
Design Contest with Preselection
Prizes and Sketch Fees
200 000 CZK – 100 000 CZK – 2 x 50 000 CZK
Contract negotiations
Mandatory use of electronic tool
The subject of this two-phase competition was a comprehensive visual style of the institution and its subsequent application for all buildings and memorial sites of the Terezín Memorial. The new visual identity should be simultaneously applicable to all printed and online outputs of the institution, the information system of the memorial and its adjacent objects, and possibly also for the newly prepared exhibition.
The Terezín Memorial is a specialised Czech memory institution whose mission is to preserve the memory of the victims of the Second World War for present and future generations. It develops mainly museum, exhibition, research and educational activities, which have gained recognition abroad.

Ľubica Segečová
Jury ChairShe studied graphic design and product design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava, where she now works as the head of the preparatory course studio. She initiated the independent festival Self about the transitions of graphic design in society. She works mainly with architectural studios. She is the author of the visual identity of the Slovak Chamber of Architects and Kunsthalle Bratislava. Her primary focus is on book and exhibition design, communication strategies and identities.

Petra Husáková
Jury Vice-ChairHe has been working for the Terezín Memorial for 8 years, for the third year as an economic specialist for subsidy programmes. He is an economist by education, currently studying art studies at the Faculty of Arts at Masaryk University in Brno. Experience in the economic field of corporate companies.

Jan Brož
Graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, studio of Painting II. He completed his doctoral studies at the Academy of Arts and Architecture and Design in Prague in the studio of graphic design and new media. He is a co-founder of the Parallel Practice studio, where he realized, among others, the identity of the Centre for Contemporary Art Futura and the identity of the weekly Euro. His main focus is on book design and forms of visual identities in the context of galleries and cultural institutions.

Tereza Hejmová
Graduate of the Academy of Arts and Architecture and Design in Prague, majoring in graphic design and new media. She worked as a teacher in the Graphic Design 2 studio at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Brno. She is co-author of the new visual identity of the Prague Exhibition Grounds. Her main focus is on book design and forms of visual identities in the context of galleries and cultural institutions. She is the winner of the Most Beautiful Czech Book of the Year award.

Tomáš Výchopeň
Head of the Operations Department of the Terezín Memorial.

Linda Dostálková
AlternateAbsolvovala na Werkplaast Typografie v Arnhemu a v ateliéru scénografie na Janáčkově akademii múzických umění v Brně. Působila jako pedagožka na Jan van Eyckově akademii v Maastrichtu, vedla ateliér grafického designu Text Forma Funkce na Fakultě umění Ostravské univerzity. Externě pracuje jako kurátorka v PLATO Ostrava. Je spoludržitelkou
ocenění Nejkrásnější kniha světa za návrh publikace československého pavilonu 14.bienále architektury v Benátkách.

Ivana Rapavá
AlternateShe graduated in Czech language - history at the Faculty of Pedagogy of the Technical University in Liberec (FP TUL) and subsequently completed her doctoral studies in Czech and Czechoslovak history at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Hradec Králové. From 2006 to 2009 she worked as an assistant professor at the Department of History, Faculty of History, TUL. She works at Terezín Memorial, since February 2019 as head of the History Department.