Revoluční 30

  • 15 Hello, the application form must include identification and contact details, team composition and biography, and a cover letter. In the case of a joint proposal between two architectural studios, do we need to include biographies of the individuals participating in the competition or is a biography of each studio sufficient?

    A biography of the architectural studio submitting the application is sufficient. Biographies of the individual team members are not required.

  • 14 I am an architect interested in participating in this competition.
    What exactly is ID? Is it a number deceived by myself, a passport number, or a social number? Is it necessary to write for all members of the team?

    See question Nr. 6. In the case of a single person, not a company please use Social Security number or ID number. It is important that the written number is dedicate only to the person which is sending the application.
    We will be applying to participate in the Revolutionary 30 competition as an association of two individuals (...) and a legal entity (.....). I am writing to ask how to fill in the affidavit in such a case - for each separately? I mean, would there be a total of 3 affidavits?
    Yes, you fill in for each one separately it does not matter that it is 3 affidavits.

  • 13 I would also like to know if we should sign a declaration each for ourselves or if it should be one declaration. Alternatively, do we need to supply a power of attorney or something similar?

    Please sign the application form 2 times i.e. each participant separately.

  • 12 We are planning to enter the Revolutionary 30 competition together with the ............. office .......... The idea is that ......... will be the main architect and we will be the local support. We would like to ask if the portfolio should also include one of our projects, or it can be all .............. projects.

    We recommend that the portfolio should also include your projects ideally one or two projects should be from each studio.

  • 11 Regarding the two sites (the corner house and a second house levitating behind), could our proposal connect these two sites in the levels above ground where there will be a volume in the yard?

    It is a problem due to the daylight for the a few windows in the small courtyard

  • 10 In the point 9 of the PDF of the conditions, it is said we need to put the 'title „RSJ-Application-[name of participant]“ via email to the competition secretary'. Does this title need to be the name of the PDF file or has it to be written on the top of each of the pages in the PDF?

    It has to be just name of the pdf file.

  • 9 The submission of the application of this Friday should be sent to your email. Should we write something specific in the subject line or inside the email?

    Yes name of the file and name of the email shul be the same: RSJ-Application-[name of participant]

  • 8 Is there a maximum amount of Megas to be respected with the file of the submission of this Friday?

    Yes the perfect would be 10 MB

  • 7 Please, could you confirm the submission is in a PDF in a portrait in A4 size? If not, please, could you let me know which is the format for the 6 pages of the PDF?

    Yes it is portrait A4 size or portrait A3 presentation will be digital for the jury members.

  • 6 I am just compiling the submission material and was wondering what is meant by Participant ID no in the sworn statement?

    It is a company registration number or VAT number if the first one does not appear in your legal system.

  • 5 Do competitors participating in workshops 1 and 2 need to travel to Prague? Or can they participate online? If competitors travel to Prague, will the organizers provide transportation fee and other expenses?

    Yes, it is better to attend both workshops in person. Travel or any other costs are not reimbursed.

  • 4 Regarding "projects from the last 10 years", is it possible to include projects that I was involved in as the main person in charge (project manager) of a company I worked for before I founded my own company?

    Yes, provided that you clearly state this fact in the application, too.

  • 3 Will documents submitted by 6/10 be available to the public? If so, will only the submissions of the competitors who passed the first stage be made public, or will all the competitors' submissions be made public?

    The plan is to publish the final versions of all the competing proposals. This remains, however, at the disclosure of the client

  • 2 Is there a prescribed page format for the PDF application form? (e.g. A3 landscape?) Is there a limit to the number of projects presented?

    A3 landscape format is assumed.
    The optimal number of projects is 4.

  • 1 In addition to projects that have been constructed, can projects that have won awards in architectural competitions be presented in the application? Alternatively, projects for which project documentation is being prepared?

    Yes, they can.