Troja School

  • Winning design

    Andrea Ravagnani – Ravagnani Vecchi Architects, Andrea Ravagnani, Elena Maria Rossi, Chiara Nastasi, Itály

  • Contracting Authority

    MČ Praha 7 - Troja

  • Competition Type

    Open Design Contest, 1 Phase

  • Results


  • Status

    Contract signed with 1st place

  • Prizes and sketching fees

    275 000 CZK – 200 000 CZK – 100 000 CZK – sketching fees total 50 000 CZK

The aim of the competition was to complement and optimise the existing programme of the Trojská Primary School and Gymnasium.
The contestants had to adjust the existing capacities to the needs of contemporary educational requirements and prepare both institutions for a larger number of pupils. Emphasis was also placed on separating the operations of the primary school and the gymnasium. In addition to the school's existing site, the city-owned land to the southeast across Troy Street is now available. This land has been used to accommodate other activities that are more loosely connected to the educational curriculum, such as the cafeteria, auditorium, and school psychologist. The district is thinking of this new building as a community center where, in addition to school activities, festivals and other cultural events can take place.

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