New center of Bašť with a primary school building

  • Winning Design

    BARAAK arch, Banality Studio, and Dvořák & partneři

  • Contracting Authority

    Union of municipalities Pod Beckovem and Bašť

  • Competition type

    Open design contest

  • Competition Results



The competition was held in the Czech language only.

The subject of the competition was the design of a new building of a primary school and other new buildings for the municipality, where spaces for small businesses and services will be created on the ground floor and municipal flats on the upper floors, including alterations to public space, i.e. a new village square.


Jan Hájek

Jury Chair

Architect, Atelier M1 architekti

Vítězslav Kaliba

Jury Vice-Chair

Mayor of Bašť

Emil Přikryl


Eva Šarochová

Architect, Atelier Projektor

Tomáš Matuška

Head of Research Department at UCEEB

Martin Kupka

Mayor of Líbeznice

Martin Skalický

Deputy Director of Primary School Líbeznice

Norbert Obršál


Architect, m2au

Pavla Příšovská


Pod Beckovem Union Chair

Martin Čacký


Mayor of Měšice

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