Winning design
FRIS architekti / Katarzyna Jursa Pieleszová, Adam Jursa, Kateřina Hojdyszová / Český Těšín, expert consultants: Adam Jung, Rudolf Klus, Michaela Štroufová, Roman Čechák and Marek Gąsior
Contracting Authority
Český Těšín
Competition Type
Open Design Contest, 2 Phases
July 2022
Prizes and Sketch Fees
300 000 CZK - 200 000 CZK - 150 000 CZK + sketch fee 2 x 50 000 CZK
The competition was held in the Czech language only
The subject of the competition was the revitalization of Hlavní třída Street in Český Těšín. The aim was to find a solution that would optimize and improve the street to better serve the needs of the public with reasonable economic costs. The aim was to find a creative and contemporary solution that respects current ecological, social and aesthetic requirements.

Martina Peřinková
Jury ChairShe graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the Brno University of Technology and received her doctorate at the Faculty of Architecture at the Brno University of Technology. She was at the birth of the field of Architecture and Civil Engineering at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Mining and Metallurgy - Technical University in Ostrava, where she still serves as Dean. In 2020 she received the title of professor on the proposal of the Scientific Council of the CTU.

Gabriela Hřebačková
Jury Vice-ChairMayor of Český Těšín

Klára Concepcion
She graduated in Architecture and Urbanism and Landscape Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture of the Czech Technical University, where she now also teaches students at the Rehwaldt Studio. In addition to teaching, she works as an architect and deputy head of the landscape studio Trevisan atelier+.

Szymon Rozwałka
A graduate of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture at the Technical University of Szczecin, he founded his own office in Brno in 2012 called RO_aR architects. He runs a studio at the Institute of Experimental Design at the Brno University of Technology. Among his most famous realizations is the so-called "Vila na sile" from 2014 in Olomouc.

David Kotek
In 2003 he completed his studies in architecture at the Brno University of Technology. During his studies, he completed a foreign internship in Milan and since 2005 he has been creating his own projects at PROJEKTSTUDIO EUCZ, where he now cooperates with his father, architect Jaroslav Kotek. He has won several awards in competitions such as the Grand Prix national award for architecture, Building of the Year of the Czech Republic and regional Building of the MSK and House of the Year of Ostrava.

Zuzana Stanjurová Mateiciucová
alternateArchitect originally from Opava, graduate of the Faculty of Architecture at the Brno University of Technology. As part of her own practice at Road2 architects, she worked on the reconstruction of the Mír cinema in Opava. Since 2021 she has been the chief architect of the city of Krnov.

Tomáš Pavelek
Deputy Mayor of Český Těšín

Vít Slováček
Deputy Mayor of Český Těšín and Representative of the Moravian-Silesian Region Council

Tomasz Pustówka
alternateCouncillor of Český Těšín