- Author FRIS architekti
- Team Katarzyna Jursa Pieleszová, Adam Jursa, Kateřina Hojdyszová, expert consultants: Adam Jung, Rudolf Klus, Michaela Štroufová, Roman Čechák, Marek Gąsior
- Český Těšín
Těšínś Hlavní třída is a long street clearly defined by street fronts. However, it is not a homogeneous street. In each section it lives a different life, needs to fulfil a different function and offers different possibilities. Three parts, which by their life predetermine 3 different types of street. A confident tree line in the middle of the city. A new public space halfway between the Czech and Polish squares. Where no one expected it. Variability and a basis for the future development of the street. Connecting two parks and bringing greenery into the street. New opportunities for cyclists and safe and wide routes for pedestrians. Use of historic paving where it makes sense. Connecting the overall concept of paved areas between Český Těšín and Cieszyn. This is our proposal.
The jury appreciated the creative approach to the design while respecting the established transport system. For Station Street, the adopted articulation of the street corridor was favourable, both in terms of function and the use of surface materials. It also commended the design of the innovative traffic system at the mouth of the street by the bridge and the entrance to the Czech Republic. Along with the creative approach of connecting the public realm and the Olše River waterfront. The project successfully addresses the interconnection of the street system from a pedestrian perspective. The jury appreciated the realism of cost and sensible cost reduction, the use of asphalt for the roadway not only as a cheaper but also less noisy surface.