Winning Design
ov architekti / Jiří Opočenský, Štěpán Valouch, Ondřej Králík, Michaela Křižáková
Contracting Authority
Prague 6
Competition Type
2 Phase Design Contest with Preselection
Negotiation preparation
Prizes and Sketching Fees
1 600 000 CZK - 1 200 000 CZK - 800 000 CZK + sketching fee 100 000 CZK for all in Phase 1 + sketching fee 500 000 CZK in Phase 2
This design contest is held in the Czech language only.
The subject of the competition was the design for the reconstruction and extension of the Pod Marjánkou polyclinic. The client is looking for a solution that will not significantly limit the current operation of the polyclinic and, at the same time, will be efficient, economical, and sensitive to the architecture of the building.
The competition's aim for the Pod Marjánkou polyclinic was to reconcile the existing building representing the quality architecture of its time, which is to some extent worn out and which today no longer fulfills many operational, technological, and structural-physical requirements with the demands we currently place on outpatient healthcare. At the same time, it must be stated that this is a building that is a characteristic and important building in the organism of Břevnov. Still, after half a century of operation, without any major interventions, it is now necessary to proceed to a more drastic form of modernization.

Petr Vávra
Jury ChairFor many years he has been a preparer of spatial planning documentation and documents for major cities of the Czech Republic, rural settlements, and landscape territorial units and an expert advisor to municipal authorities in this area. He continues his previous project experience in the regional urban planning center, or SÚRPMO Prague, where he has been working as a studio manager on the spatial planning of settlements with various conservation regimes since graduating from the Faculty of Architecture and Planning of the Czech Technical University in Prague.
In addition to these mainly public contracts, he also focuses on complex architectural and engineering services in the field of investment construction and mainly reconstruction of buildings for major clients in the Czech Republic and abroad. A natural part of the cooperation is permanent consulting and advisory activities for these investors and the performance of the author's supervision during the implementation, including interiors.

Eva Smutná
Jury Vice-ChairCouncillor of Prague 6, Strategic Development, Heritage and Exhibition

Irena Šestáková
She graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of the Czech Technical University in Prague, where she received an associate professorship for her thesis "Quality of life of the handicapped and the elderly and its projection into the design of buildings for housing and social and nursing care" and was later appointed professor. In 1991, together with Jiří Šesták, she founded Atelier Šesták based in Prague. The studio's projects include a guesthouse for the elderly in Kytín and the conversion of a former canteen into a teaching pavilion and student club at the ČZU in Prague.

Michal Juha
Michal Juha is an architect and teacher at the Czech Technical University. Before the revolution, he worked for Zdravoprojekt Praha and since 1990 he has been running the Prague studio Domy s.r.o. together with Jan Topinka. He specializes in medical buildings (from conception, through assessment, to design) for which he has won several awards for his projects and realizations in our country.

Boris Redčenkov
Graduate of the Faculty of Architecture of the Czech Technical University in Prague. Together with Prokop Tomášek they founded their own office Atelier 69 - architects, whose team was later joined by Jaroslav Wertig. A69's projects include the Dr. Peták Sanatorium in Františkovy Lázně, the reconstruction of the pedestrian zone in Cheb and the Central Park residential complex in Prague. He teaches at the Architectural Institute in Prague (ARCHIP) and runs a studio at the Faculty of Architecture of the Czech Technical University in Prague.

Jakub Stárek
Deputy Mayor of Prague 6, Spatial Development, Planning and Public Space

Bohumil Beránek
Head of the Strategic and Territorial Development Concept Department of Prague 6

Klára Přikrylová
AlternateShe studied art theory, architecture, and design at the University of Applied Arts in Prague. She completed an internship at Columbia University and a Ph.D. at the Faculty of Architecture of the Czech Technical University, where she researched post-war architecture. In 2015, she founded the UNBLOK project, which organizes tours of modern architecture built in Prague after 1945 - from examples of late modernism and brutalism to large-scale modernist housing estates.

Marián Hošek
AlternateCouncillor of Prague 6, Social Affairs and Health

Michal Volf
AlternateMember of the Urban Development Commission of the Municipal District of Prague 6

Jana Jelínková
AlternateHead of the Department of Territorial Development of the Municipal District of Prague 6